Monday, February 19, 2007

Featured Product: The Philippine Hammock

Hammock lovers, unite!

My desire to start this blog was borne out of my frustration of not easily finding modern, ethnic or vintage home and garden accessories that are unique, environmentally sustainable and most importantly, make a design and/or functional statement.

Case in point: the Philippine hammock. What makes the Philippine hammock unique? For one, it is handcrafted by indigenous people from the Philippine provinces by weaving together strands of rattan to form a canoe-shaped object, with its tips suspended to walls on opposing ends using ropes. Rattan is a lightweight, flexible and durable material and is environmentally sustainable because it can be grown and harvested more quickly than other tropical woods. Above right is a close up view of the Philippine hammock.

View more photos of the Philippine Hammock from other sites:


PK said...

This type of hammock is also available in the UK from

Unknown said...

Any place to buy them in the US?